Release Notes
OnSong 2024.5
OnSong 2024.5 was released on October 3, 2024. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:
- Added the ability to create a clip by taking a picture.
- Added the ability to take a picture or a video in the support contact us screen.
- Added the ability to choose the stage monitor mode look like a music stand versus filling the screen.
- Added the ability to toggle the use of the finger to pan after drawing with an Apple Pencil.
- Added the ability to browse arrangements and import attachments in keys using Planning Center.
- Changed importing system exclusive messages to warn the user when the file is invalid.
- Changed the Apple Pencil Integration settings to open the drawing settings for more options.
- Changed the way album artwork is generated to not repeat images in the grid.
- Changed the Planning Center list to only search and view songs that are not hidden.
- Changed import methods to use file type manager to acquire icon.
- Changed the songs menu to close the drawer when selecting an item from the song or set list.
- Updated Spotify SDK to correct connection issues.
- Updated all translations.
- Fixed an issue where viewing the reduce file size screen shows a close button instead of a back button.
- Fixed an issue where screen actions do not function on iPhone.
- Fixed an issue where the ortho settings is showing behind it's navigation bar.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling causes the part of the screen that will be hidden to turn gray when using the new renderer.
- Fixed an issue where line breaks are added when chords are disabled by lyrics placed before the chord in the new renderer.
- Fixed an issue where picking a song to view does not render the song until scrolling stops.
- Fixed an issue where sticky notes are too large when displayed in stage monitor mode.
- Fixed an issue where line style applied to artist or byline are being used in the song list.
- Fixed an issue scrolling through songs in the desk by tapping on the left and right side.
- Fixed an issue where words and phrases where not translated in Console.
- Fixed an issue with how blank lines are handled with manual line breaks when using the new renderer.
- Fixed an issue where the chord names in keyboard diagrams are not appearing in low light mode in the new renderer.
- Fixed an issue where the line including chords are highlighted instead of just the lyrics.
- Fixed an issue where text colors could not be updated for lyrics.
- Fixed an issue when loading a song the viewport section is triggered multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where the link and metronome button in the sequence editor doesn't assume the app color.
- Fixed an issue where the values in the sequence program editor do not appear.
- Fixed an issue where sequence programs do not save.
- Fixed an issue where the duration of the set doesn't update when changing the duration of a single song.
- Fixed an issue where separate channels cannot be selected for sync tempo and tap in MIDI settings.
- Fixed an issue with musical instructions do not default to gray unless set in text formatting settings.
- Fixed an issue where text-based annotations do not change the text when first being added.
- Fixed an issue where clips are not able to be added.
- Fixed an issue where apply styles to all songs does not effect text formatting changes.
- Fixed an issue where the title of a moment cannot be changed.
- Fixed an issue where the CCLI license number was being displayed on all songs instead of just ones with a CCLI song number using the new renderer.
- Fixed an issue where the song viewer is not able to be scrolled on Mac devices.
- Fixed an issue where the list of songs when adding to a book would load additional songs starting at the first page in Console.
- Fixed an issue where you can't create a new song in Console.
- Fixed an issue where apply styles to all songs does not effect text formatting on the adjacent song.
- Fixed an issue where requesting a sharp key in SongSelect is not loading the correct song key or fails.
- Fixed an issue when import a ZIP file containing MP3 files from the add songs screen results in importing content as a multitrack.
- Fixed a crash condition when downloading an OnSong archive file type from Console.
- Fixed a crash condition when decoding JSON when compressing drawings.
- Fixed a crash condition when attempting to log out of CCLI services when a refresh token is unavailable.
- Fixed a crash condition when logging out of CCLI services when there is no valid refresh token.
- Fixed a crash condition caused by a bad request response from the CCLI web services cause a deauthentication loop.