Release Notes

OnSong 2022.8

OnSong 2022.8 was released on March 19, 2023. The following items have been added, changed or fixed:


  • Added the ability to sign into Google Drive when using the macOS app.
  • Added a prompt that if your account is set to expire in about a week and you are not connected to the Internet to connect to the internet after the subscription renews.


  • Changed the account screen in macOS to open as a form sheet instead of the larger page sheet.
  • Changed the settings screen to be opened and used for accessible features.
  • Changed the MIDI triggers screen to communicate to the user that midi triggers without actions will be deleted.
  • Changed the subscription checkout screen to always show the OnSong 2020 message without attempting to find previously installed versions.
  • Changed how the name of the OnSong device is determined and prompted.
  • Changed the switch account screen to show expiration dates with faded text.
  • Changed the switch account screen to show a spinner as the account is switched.
  • Changed the features overlay to show different text according to Internet connectivity and account status.


  • Updated to the latest Google Signin and Drive SDK.
  • Updated all translations.


  • Fixed an issue where the wrong set name is displayed in the heads up display.
  • Fixed an issue where the Remove action is missing from the context menu when in book song list.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling by section and the text is not aligning to the top due to an apparent iOS/iPadOS glitch.
  • Fixed an issue where stage monitor or lyrics projection does not display on initial startup on macOS.
  • Fixed an issue where the windows in the macOS app always shift down to the lower left of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the metronome is playing a faster BPM than the song is showing upon startup.
  • Fixed an issue that can cause lifetime subscribers with no source to acquire an expiration date from a previous App Store subscription.
  • Fixed an issue where OnCue and OnSong Connect list of devices do not show device names because of privacy changes in iOS/iPadOS 16.
  • Fixed an issue when editing pan in the audio media editor where the left/right labels are flipped.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause OnSong 2022 and higher to sort strange titles differently than OnSong 2020.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot navigate folders in the Amazon S3 sources.
  • Fixed an issue where signing in and out of an account would not refresh available features.
  • Fixed an issue where missing backing tracks just say "missing" and not where they are from.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling by page does not account for content inset when scrolling down a PDF file.
  • Fixed an issue where the SongSelect integration is using the CCLI account number instead of the CCLI license number.
  • Fixed an issue where the Console renderer was outputting the CCLI license number for non-CCLI songs.
  • Fixed an issue where thumbnails are not deleting when the media is deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where the SongSelect ChordPro direction tag is not supported.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings shift when converting to PDF for printing.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings are not scaled when switching between Split View multitasking modes.
  • Fixed an issue where drawing with a black pen color won't work in low light mode.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings do not maintain positions when switching orientations.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI Settings screen was visible when MIDI was not accessible.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are not instantiated from the default library.
  • Fixed an issue where clips without shadows are show shadows when transferred in an archive file format.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations would not appear when transferred in an archive file format.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are doubled when converting a text file to PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where sticky notes with scale applied were not being sized correctly due to issues resolved with rotation and scale.
  • Fixed an issue where changes to the text attachment may not be saved or rendered.
  • Fixed an issue where annotations are not displayed immediately on client devices when using Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where drawings remain after deleting the library.
  • Fixed an issue where screen action for controlling system volume is not picking up system volume.
  • Fixed an issue where some preferred chord diagrams not showing in PDF export.
  • Fixed an issue where if you remove all the articles from the Articles to Remove setting it defaults to "The" even though it's blank.
  • Fixed an issue where clips were not being added due to changes in how annotations and drawings were being saved.
  • Fixed an issue where users are writing a song in the editor and it doesn't update the song viewer.
  • Fixed an issue where you can't select a template when creating a new song.
  • Fixed an issue where stage monitor mode could become blank when switching between different renders in 1-up mode for certain file types.
  • Fixed and issue where you can't select the metadata section.
  • Fixed an issue where the copy option in social share is not creating a link or enough content.
  • Fixed a crash condition after deleting and resetting settings when adding an annotation to a released view.
  • Fixed a crash condition if the database is closed when leaving the app and there are open result sets.