Release Notes

OnSong 1.91

OnSong 1.91 was released on October 7, 2011.


  • Added the "Add-Ons" functionality to enable future in-app purchases and make soundbanks easier to enable.
  • Added a setting to allow users to adjust the "whitespace character" from the underscore "_" default. In older versions, OnSong used an asterisk "*".
  • Added a setting to allow the live bar audio toggle function to be customized.
  • Added the ability to view set duration in the set list.


  • Changed to new monochrome icons for share and tools menu.
  • Changed the tools menu is smaller and navigable.
  • Changed the OnCue wireless messaging to be optimized.
  • Changed music chooser icon.
  • Changed settings to be reconfigured and links to websites added.
  • Changed OnCue to be enabled by default.
  • Changed synchronization to use song title and artist when outputting files.
  • Changed to make OnCue more stable.
  • Changed the settings screen to remove question marks on toggle switches.
  • Changed the audio toggle button on the live bar to "play/pause" instead of "play/stop".
  • Changed the "Send Diagnostics" feature to send a database backup instead of just the SQLite file.


  • Fixed issues with the keyboard not displaying.
  • Fixed issues with Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Fixed issues refreshing the songs menu.
  • Fixed issue with chord picker where it was not adding quick buttons immediately.
  • Fixed an issue with the chord picker rotating on iPhone.
  • Fixed a chord spacing issue so that there is more space when chords are place on their own line.
  • Fixed issues so non-text files scroll in iOS 5.
  • Fixed an issue with two popovers being displayed when printing.
  • Fixed sorting by artist.
  • Fixed an issue with iPhone and iPod Touch not opening the email or export screens.
  • Fixed an issue with chord spacing mid-word.
  • Fixed an issue when the Piano is set as the default instrument, the chord dictionary would only show piano.
  • Fixed an issue where files imported from Dropbox or MobileMe would be "invalid file format".
  • Fixed an issue where chord definitions made with the "define" tag where showing as text.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a song in a set caused a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where tablature displayed on the page was not transposing or applying capo.
  • Fixed an issue where German chords were not captioned properly in tablature.
  • Fixed an issue where chord variations could not be added or editing in the chord dictionary on the iPhone.